Installation of CorsoFacilty for Holiday Inn hotels

A few years ago, Holiday Inn asked Corso Magenta to solve a problem: their bathrooms and bedrooms could not handle humidity.
A major problem, because the state of rooms reflects the quality of the hotel and its services.

Why CorsoFacility?
Holiday Inn needed a solution that:

  • Resists ambient humidity and lasts over time
  • Limits maintenance time and business interruption
  • Avoids odors for customers, employees and applicators

Corso Facility meets all of these needs and many other. To find out more, click here!

What now?
After more than 4 years of feedback, the installation of CorsoFacility in more than 600 bathrooms and bedrooms is still in perfect condition, and has not required any maintenance since 2018.

Interested in applying this solution to your brand? Contact us!
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