Corso Magenta launches a RAPID project

Fast paint repair for aircraft

Following Stanislas Chevallier’s appearance on BFM business, Corso Magenta was approached by Air France Industrie and Airbus. After this meeting, the RAPID project was born.

What is a RAPID? Supported by the Innovation and Defense Agency (AID), a RAPID (Régime d’APpui à l’Innovation Duale) is a grant scheme for innovation projects initiated by one or several companies.

In 2016 Corso Magenta launched the RAPID project named SYSCO (SYStème de peinture sec COllé sur substrat métallique et/ou composite) with academic and industrial partners such as Air France Industrie and Airbus.
SYSCO’s goal is to develop a rapid paint repair solution for aircraft. This is how CorsoPatch Aircraft was born.

To follow all SYSCO’s news, go to LinkedIn!

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