EASA Approved CorsoPatch Aircraft

On Thursday June 23, 2022, EASA approved the CorsoPatch Aircraft fast paint repair solution.
The efforts of the Corso Magenta team have been rewarded, as this approval attests that CorsoPatch Aircraft meets, as a standard repair solution, the safety and airworthiness requirements set by the European Union.

The solution is now applicable to all aircraft ranges from the main manufacturers: Airbus, Boeing, ATR, Embraer and De Havilland.
Therefore, it is now possible for the company to market its fast paint repair solution on the majority of the world’s civil aviation fleet!

What next?
As CorsoPatch Aircraft is now marketable, new perspectives are opening up!
• For the aeronautics sector: obtain an innovative time-saving solution for more efficient aeronautical maintenance that respects employees and the environment.
• For Corso Magenta : Penetrate the very demanding aeronautics sector by concluding contracts with its numerous state and commercial partners. Have its fast paint repair solution approved by the various civil aviation
authorities, beyond the borders of the EU.

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Fast paint repair solution for plane and aircraft

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