Hôtel Les Pages : an uncompromising renovation

When it came to renovating the ceiling in its dining room, Hôtel Les Pages was faced with a major challenge :                              Find a solution that keeps the restaurant up and running, can be completed quickly, and avoids the inconvenience of liquid paint :

  • Odors
  • Dust
  • Tedious protection steps cleaning

This is where CorsoFacility®, ideal for renovation in an occupied primeses, came in to offer a unique solution.

Thanks to CorsoFacility®, drying phases are eliminated and preparation and installation simplified. They were able to achieve an impeccable finish while minimizing disruption to customers and staff.

Denis Tabouillot, the hotel’s owner, is fully satisfied with the results, both operationally and aesthetically :

  •  « The huge advantage of CorsoFacility® is its feasibility in a occupied primeses. This would have been impossible with traditional painting ».
  •  « I was able to paint the ceiling of my catering room while serving breakfast every day. There’s no need to remove and reapply the usual protection, and no smell ».
  •  « There’s no need to remove and reapply the usual protection, and no smell. Substrate preparation is simpler, no dust everywhere ».
  •  « From an aesthetic point of view, CorsoFacility® totally meets my expectations ».






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