Interview with Isabelle de Rochechouart (interior designer)

Isabelle de Rochechouart called on Corso Magenta to renovate the stairwells of the Moulin Plaza hotel.
This is what she had to say about CorsoFaciliy Texture.

Why did you choose CorsoFacility Texture?
I was seduced by the aesthetics:  a very chic and original paint coating, which looks like leather with an animal effect.
The promise of a simple, odorless application and a product that lasts over time also appealed to me.

How did the pose go?
We placed the product on a staircase that turns, with very wide walls that are not flat, despite everything the installer managed to quickly and perfectly install the product.

Following the installation, what is your impressions?
It is a very resistant product with a quick and odorless installation.
The finish is great… I like the material and its originalilty.

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